08 March 2012

It's O.k.....

Its Ok Thursdays

My weekend officially started today and I couldn't be more excited about. Tomorrow my friend Jen and I are off to Grand Rapids to see Matt Nathanson. I haven't seen him live since 2009 when I went to Iowa to visit my friend Micah.

Time to link up to It's O.k. Thursday!

It's Ok........
  • To think it is absolutely hysterical when someone my parents age refer to something as "The Bomb".
  • To totally smitten with a guy and not want to talk to my friends about it. 
  • That I used the word "smitten" in a sentence.
  • That I own 7 black dresses and 12 pair of leggings.
  • That I can't commit to a hair color. I'ts been 3 shades this week alone!
  • To not have a direction for my blog. I like that I can talk about anything topic that I want.  
  • That I don't have the time nor the energy to really worry about my diet beyond making sure it's vegan. 


  1. I actually didn't tell my friends (even my best friend) about a certain boy in my life a year or so ago. It was nice to just have something of "my own" and not have people sharing their opinions or asking about the situation!


Thanks for reading!

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