It's that time of the week again!
It's o.k...........
- That I am completely obsessed with Jack Bauer. I took some time off from watching 24--thanks to my Amazon Prime account I'm able to catch up on all 8 season (I thankfully didn't watch it when it was still on tv...too stressful), but am right back at it. In terms of my stress levels after watching each episode, I'm not sure it was the best move, but I do enjoy saving the USofA along side Jack and Tony (Almeida).
- That I am reading 3 books at one time. True, it does make keeping the story lines straight a little more difficult, but none of them are interesting enough to garner all of my attention.
- To miss someone before they are even gone.
- That I may have had a vegan shamrock shake for dinner three times this past week. What can I say, those dang things are delicious.
- To still be a little freaked out from the incision scar on my foot.
- That a book of 700 pages has me totally intimidated. I stare at it every night on my nightstand but just can't bring myself to pick it up and read it.
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