It's o.k.......
- That I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up......some days it's a photographer. Some days it's a writer and other days a professional book reader (not reviewer....just would like someone to pay me to read books all the time).
- To be totally intimated by one of the books on my "to read" list. Every time I look at it, I worry that it's going to be over my head.
- To not want to compromise. Even on the little things.
- That I tell Sadie to have a good day each morning I leave for work.
- That my 365 project has become a bit dull. They can't all be winners.
- That I have bought more book in the last 2 months than I can possibly read.
- That I'm terrified to start running again. I know my foot/Achilles tendon surgery was a success, but I'm still worried something will go terribly wrong.
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