I kind of feel like we are being punk'd with the gorgeous spring weather we've been having this week. At about 4pm a manager at work stopped by the office to share with us that the temperature outside was in the 70s! Can you even imagine?! 70 degrees in northern Michigan....in March.....totally crazy.
Sadie and I definitely took advantage of the evening sun and clear skies when I got home from work. We spent some time out in the back yard soaking up the rays and enjoying the fresh air. It also gave me the chance to take some photographs during my favorite time of the day. The light this evening really was too gorgeous to pass up.

While shopping for Sadie snacks before heading home, I picked up this blanket at a local discount store. I absolutely love it! And for $4 it makes for the perfect blanket for lounging around in the back yard with a book, which is exactly what I did after I finished annoying Sadie with the camera. A friend (thanks Ron!) dropped off another stack of books for me to read and just in time, too. My current selections aren't holding my attention and it saves me from a potentially dangerous trip the bookstore tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to diving into the new pile of books!
I also started working on my post for tomorrow. I generally find it easier to write everything out by hand before typing it up for the blog. Plus, I miss writing in a regular journal every day so this helps to make up for that missing link. Although, I have been toying around with the idea of getting back to having a hand written journal again....you know, for all the boy crazy moments I'm not quite ready to put out there just yet for public consumption.
Some of my spring flowers started to bloom this week! I have patches of these little white one all over my side yard. I just adore them and always make sure to snap a photograph or two dozen each year.
Sadie spent most of the evening keeping an eye on the neighborhood, making sure everything was in order and pretending that the camera was still in the house. She really isn't a fan of having her picture taken, no matter how cute I tell her she is.
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