08 July 2012


Let's face it.

If you aren't into winter sports, Michigan winters can be a bit dull.

And I am sadly, not into winter sports.

That, along with a pay-it-forward project my cousin had posted on Facebook is what led me to making wire-wrapped jewelry.

The premise of the project was quite simple: Pay it forward, 2012..... the first 5 folks to comment on my status will receive a handmade item from me before 2012 ends. They must then repost this as their status, and do the same for their first 5 commenters.

Easy enough and such a great idea. One problem: I didn't have a clue as to what I was going to send out. I don't knit or croquet (well). I'm not a scrapbooker and unless you want a concert photograph of John Mayer or a flower, sending them one of my prints was out the question. But after a quick swing through some crafty Pinterest boards, I decided on jewelry and haven't looked back since.

I have a very tiny studio space set up in the back of my house. I tend to refer to it as my little corner of heaven. I can (and have) spend hours back there crafting beautiful pieces of jewelry. From necklaces, to pendants and even earrings, I love coming up with new pieces and seeing what can be created from a simple bit of wire and a few beads. But I get the greatest satisfaction from sharing my pieces with others.

A couple of weeks ago, when I was on vacation I received a phone call from the owner of the boutique where you can find my jewelry. She was calling to see if I could meet with a customer about a couple of pieces she liked. When I arrived at the shop, I soon found out it wasn't just to talk about the order, but the customer also wanted to share with me why she was purchasing the pieces: they were for her and her girlfriends, it was going to be her version of a memory piece for their friendship. It totally made my day (heck even my year!) to know that I would have a part in that.


Over the next few weeks, I hope to get a proper store set up on Etsy (with some better photos). I totally underestimated how much time I was going to need to do that when I so boldly announced that I would have one up and ready this weekend. Whoops!

And maybe even do a giveaway here on Miles from Ordinary. What do ya'll think? Would you be up for a giveaway?


  1. I am always up for a great giveaway, and this is awesome! Looking forward to seeing what else you make.


  2. I love that story about the shop and the customer buying them for friends. Love love love it. :)

    I'm hopiing to do a giveaway when I get to 100 followers or when Fall comes around. So keep that in mind!


Thanks for reading!

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