Now that summer is officially here and brought with it heat and humidity, I'm finding it more than a little difficult to find any motivation to get out there and run. The draw of a nice air conditioned bedroom is enough to make me stay curled up in bed.
Despite what my Nike+ app says on my phone or my Nike+ Dashboard, I really did get out there for 3 runs this week. One had to be eliminated from the record though: apparently I was running like The Flash and clocked a 4 minute mile......yeah, total app failure. Whoops!
Even with the technology fail, I did fairly well this week. Still managed to get in 2 miles during each run and kept a pretty steady (a.k.a. my average) pace. I do think though I that I need to take a step back and start with week 4 of the C25K program. Until I can get over this huge mental barrier I have set up around the idea of running without not walking, I just don't see myself being able to push through. I know that sounds a little pessimistic, but I just don't want to set myself up for failure and giving myself a little extra time to work through the funk in my head will help me in the long run.
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