23 June 2012

Running with the Devil

First things first.

There are some amazing ladies out there (you know who you are)  and I'd like each and every one of you to give yourself a hug! After my posts on Wednesday and Thursdays, all the kind comments and encouragements I received were pretty overwhelming. So from the bottom of my heart......THANK YOU!

And now to the running.....
No matter how much I had been looking forward to being able to get out there and running again, this week was HARD. Part of it was definitely the heat---in the two weeks that I had taken off to heal my foot summer decided to show up with a vengeance! I don't like the heat and humidity to begin with but running in it, no thank you!

But at least I got out there!

I have, however, modified my running schedule. I am not too proud to say that I am sure my foot issues were from doing too much it too quickly, so I'm starting back slow. Three days a week--no more. I'm going to keep myself to a set running schedule, no matter how much I want to add days (for a few weeks at least). On the days that I don't run, I'll swim (as long as family is not at the cottage--not sure they'd appreciate a 6am wake up call from me).

When you take out all the emotional junk, all three runs were pretty good. Mondays run was cut a bit short as I was trying to beat a thunderstorm home--if I hadn't been running away from it, it would have been the perfect storm for me to try and photograph! Wednesday and Friday I ran from the house, which included the dreaded hills. I am happy to say I conquered them all!! They were tough and at a much slower pace than what I would have liked, but there was no walking. It felt great.

Monday I'll be jumping back into the C25k program. I'm going to start back with Week 5, rather than try and start on Week 6 which is where I left off. Even though this does put me slightly behind the goal I set for my "end date" and my first 5k race, I am more than o.k. with that. I'll race when I'm ready, whether that be this summer or I have to wait until the fall.


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