30 May 2012

What I Read in May

I know May isn't technically over with, but I've decided to post this now to spread things out a bit.  Plus unless something really exciting happens in one of the three books (yep, not a typo, currently trudging my way through three reads) I am reading, there won't be any changes to the list below.

I am quite happy to say that I managed to read more books in the first week of May than I did the entire month of April.

How is that for a win!

And I participated in my first Bout of Books Read-a-Thon.

I will admit though that very little of what I read this month was challenging, which I quite enjoyed.  Lots of trashy romance novels but sometimes you just need to read something a little bit ridiculous (i.e. all three book by Deborah Geary) and a little out there (i.e. selections by Evangeline Anderson) and get lost in the story. 

This past month I read:

At some point I do plan on writing actual "reviews" on the books I read or at least that is a goal I am declaring for myself. It would just be nice to have a book that I really, really liked to write about. Otherwise, it'd just be me lamenting the fact that I am having a heck of a time finding books with strong, independent female leads who I don't either hate or strongly dislike. Hopefully that'll start this summer.

Happy reading!


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