13 May 2012

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon 4.0

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

My apologies dear readers, I'm a bit chatty today.

After posting about a lack of connection with the characters in the books I've been reading, a fellow blogger posted about a read-a-thon that starts tomorrow! How convenient! And totally perfect to (hopefully) get me back on track.

You can read all about the read-a-thon here: Bout of Books Read-a-Thon Info

My goals for the week are:

  • I'm setting the number of books to read at 5 but will be not-so-secretly happy with 3. And all the books must be from one of the many stacks of books hanging out around the house. 
  • Become a better book reviewer. Seriously--I love reading and books and all things related. I just wish I was a bit better at sharing why loved (liked, or hated) a book that I've finished reading.
  • To read at least one book where I don't want to strangle the lead character to death. This could be quite challenging but I'm ready to face that challenge head on. ;)

Books To Read:

I'll be updating my progress here and on Goodreads. I'm quite certain there will be updates on Twitter as well. 

Happy reading everyone!


  1. Hello there!
    I'm joining the read-a-thon too:)
    I've read the night circus and I think it's a good book.
    Happy read-a-thon!:)

  2. OK, I really need to check out Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I don't know how many times I've seen this on Goal Posts this weekend. It sounds like something I would like. Glad you're joining us and I love your goals. (Especially the strangling the lead character part - honestly, sometimes the 'mom' in me wants to put these characters in time out!) Good luck and have fun!

  3. This is a great idea. I should do this to get me reading. Even if I only read three in a week, I'd be happy.

  4. I'm struggling with reviewing right now...the words just aren't coming to me like I would like. The Night Circus is sitting on my TBR still!


Thanks for reading!

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