27 May 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I was sadly not blessed with a green thumb nor the desire to be out in the hot sun sweating my ass off for the sake of having beautiful flowers or a garden packed with fresh vegetables. But I am determined to have those two things even if I spend half my time whining about needing a cool breeze or a cold pool to jump into.

For the past couple of days, with the help of my parents, I have been doing just that--working on my flower and vegetable gardens. It doesn't look like much now, but I can't wait to see what it looks like once everything starts growing!!

The back of the house. I'm really looking forward to having a wild flower garden here so I can have fresh flowers for the house this summer. We also added the stone at the bottom of the steps for a little extra bonus.

I adore sunflowers but not the old dish antenna. We planted sunflowers here today which will hopefully be tall enough to cover the eyesore.

My petite little vegetable garden. I figure it's best to start small and then get bigger as time goes on. This year I planted green beans, snow peas, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and beets. All of my favorites!

Every garden  needs a windmill, which my dad found it in the garage. I'm hoping it will help keep Sadie out of the dirt.

What's a garden project without a diy project on the side?

We also tackled the front of the house as well! Yesterday my mom and I put out the new brick edging and today we put down new mulch. I love the way it turned out!

Without a doubt though, my favorite part of the project was the gnome who moved in over the weekend. I picked him up at a local garden shop and then found the red mushrooms at a local warehouse store. He is still without a name, but friends have suggested Stan, Louis and Jerome.

Thanks for taking a touring of my "gardens" with me! I'll be sure to share some updates once things start to grow!

Are you doing a garden this summer? Any tips for a first timer?
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  1. Aw, I love your little gnome! Can't wait to see how your garden grows. :) No tips here, I have a black thumb!

  2. I love all your outdoor space, it looks so luscious. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it all comes up!


  3. Hello from the blog hop! I love how you wrote on stones to designate which plants are which! So cute!

  4. I've already had to call my dad today for some gardening advice. Here is to hoping I can keep everything alive!

  5. Thanks! I really do love my backyard. I already have a couple more ideas for things I'd like to do back there.

  6. The stones were a Pinterest idea. It was quick, easy and a great way to keep track of everything (and where) I planted.

  7. Cute little garden - I have more of a brown thumb in that I can accidentally kill anything. :( Le sigh. Oh well. Someday I'll have a veggie garden.


Thanks for reading!

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