14 August 2012

Wired: Handmade Wired Wrapped Jewelry

I've only been talking about it for how many months?! My jewelry is finally on Etsy!

Over the last eight months, what started as a hobby to keep boredom away during a bizarre Michigan winter, has turned into a love affair with being creative. I have absolutely fallen in love with making one of a kind pieces of jewelry and gifts for people.

Until now, my mom has been working as my marketing/business/sales manager, taking my pieces to local consignment/gift shops. But now it is also available through my new and improved Etsy shop!

Over the next few weeks, I hope to get additional items listed to include necklaces, rings and other pendant designs.  It's been a total labor of love but have enjoyed every minute of it.

Stop by and say 'hi!'.


  1. Hey lovely,
    I nominated you for a Liebester blog award! You deserve it! I emailed you and the post is on my blog!

    xo Anna


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