22 August 2012

Recipe: Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Tomato & Spinach

When I decided to start following a vegetarian diet (more on that in an upcoming post), I started to look at ingredients in the grocery store a whole new way. It's weird, but it was almost like as soon as I decided to stop eating meat, my brain kicked itself into over drive and decided it wanted to be creative and learn new recipes and ways of eating some of my favorite meals.  

This is one of my favorite go-to meals when I'm totally stumped as to what to make for dinner. It's quick, easy and really delicious. 

The Goods:
*1 serving gnocchi, prepared via instructions on package
*2 roma tomatoes, chopped
*2 white mushrooms, sliced <--I really like mushrooms, so depending on the size of the shroom you are using, you may only want to use 1 mushroom
*1/2 small onion, chopped
*1 garlic clove, minced
*1 cup spinach
*1/4 Veggie Shreds-mozzarella flavor

In the same pot I cooked the gnocchi, I added the garlic , mushrooms and onion until the mushrooms became tender. 

Next I added the spinach until it was "wilted" (such a terrible cooking term). 
I then added the gnocchi for about 30 seconds to cover with sauce. To serve, I added the Veggie Shreds and seasoned with salt and pepper to taste.

I will admit that this makes a lot of "sauce" and could most likely be shared between 2 servings of gnocchi, but I'm one of those folks that loves to have extra sauce left over so that I can soak it up with my crusty French bread at the end of the meal. 

Happy cooking!


  1. Wow. That looks fantastic. That is on my to-make list! Thanks for the awesome idea :)

  2. Um, yum! Thanks so much for this recipe! I am also a veggie and am always looking for tasty meals to make :]

  3. Yum. Especially yum with that cheese. Thanks for sharing that picture, now I'm hungry ;-)



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