28 January 2012

Three cheers for film!

One of the things I wanted to do this year was shoot more film. It's a great idea, except for the fact that I hadn't quite worked out how or where I would get all these rolls of film developed, especially if I was shooting 120 film.

Thankfully though, through a quick internet search, I found an AMAZING photo lab to take care of my 120 film processing needs: 120processing.com. I sent my first roll of film off to them last week (a roll that I didn't have a clue as to what was on it) and received the negatives, scans (I LOVE that they will scan your film for you) and of course MORE FILM (I would be foolish to not purchase more film at the same time a roll is being developed) today.

First of all, I must say that I am totally impressed with myself that I didn't ruin an entire roll of film (still trying to get the hang of it). But also super excited about some of the photographs. The roll ended up being from an afternoon spent on Old Mission Peninsula in the fall of 2010. I had totally forgotten that I even had my Holga camera with me that day.

This is my favorite photograph from the set, a cherry blossom tree. My favorite thing about shooting film is that sometimes the mistakes are better than a perfect photograph. The double exposure on this one is exactly why I love it so much.
Cherry Blossom

The rest of the photographs from the peninsula that day can be found here.


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