04 January 2012


One of my non-resolutions this year is to shoot more photographs with Oscar (yes, I name my cameras), my Olympus-OM10 35mm film camera. Great idea, but one problem....I didn't exactly have any plan on doing so.

Never fear though. The internet is here to save the day!

Earlier this afternoon, a fellow photographer on Facebook posted a link to the blog Girls Guide to Gear and a post about a photography project for 2012.....Film26. The premise is quite simple: 26 weeks in the year, 26 letters in the alphabet---two weeks to photograph, using only film, the bi-weekly subject.

I am really excited about jumping into this project. I know it's going to be quite a challenge, especially since I don't have a clue as to how to develop my own film (yet!) but that's fine. I figure I'll give myself a week to shoot and the 2nd week will be for waiting while the film is off to the lab getting developed.

So tomorrow Oscar finds a place in my bag and will travel with me daily. Who knows what fun things we'll find to photograph.


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