Reading Woes: As much as I complain that I've not been reading anything of "substance" lately, it's really not that bad. Reading over the top, ridiculous romance (or bodice rippers, depending on how you look at it) novels is one of the other things keeping me sane. Even if I spend half my time rolling my eyes.
Workout Warrior: I am LOVING my gym time, so much so that I'm pretty certain after I hit publish on this post I am going to hop in the car and go workout (it's too blasted hot and humid to do anything outside today). Plus, I nearly had a panic attack earlier today when I realized I might only be able to make it there three times this week instead of five. I've grown accustom to working out after work but may have to get my ass out of bed extra early a couple times this week for some early morning trips to the gym.
Writing: I started writing in a journal again. I haven't done so in a couple of years (actually, I think I stopped keeping a journal as soon as I started my blog) but it has helped. I've been able to get some of the funk out of my head that I can't exactly talk to anyone about. Plus, putting pen to paper is my favorite way to write so it has also helped me work out some stuff for the blog. Double bonus!

I like your new blog theme.
ReplyDeleteI love the look - is it new?
ReplyDeleteAnd I sometimes feel like a crazy when I tell people how much I love working out, so I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I have a journal that I've had for like, 10 years. I will do really well with writing in it for a while, then I'll quit for a couple years. Then I'll update, then I'll quit. It's pretty funny to sit down and read the thing!
Hang in there, girly! Sometimes a nice bath with candles and a reminder to not think about your life for one hour help a ton. Also, get plenty of sleep!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not crazy.....I love me my gym time. I've even been trying to figure out how to get more of it. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks......sleeping definitely hasn't been an issue. Hopefully it'll start to cool down soon so I can try a bath and some candles to help chill.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, girly! Sometimes a nice bath with candles and a reminder to not think about your life for one hour help a ton. Also, get plenty of sleep!