When was the last time you were actually excited about a Monday?
It's a truly foreign concept to me, but today--I'm excited about today!
Long story short......on Friday a cousin sent me a Facebook message asking if I'd be interested in her extra ticket for the Michael Franti & Spearhead concert on Monday (a.k.a. today). How could I pass up an offer like that?!
So, thanks to an awesome coworker who was willing to switch shifts with me and my fantastic cousin for asking me to join her, today after work I'm off to see one of my favorite bands perform and I can't wait.
If you've never seen Franti in concert or listened to his music, I implore you to do so. I joke a lot that his music is audible sunshine, but it really is. It is impossible to not dance and shake your groove thing with a giant smile while listening to his tunes.
It's a truly foreign concept to me, but today--I'm excited about today!
Long story short......on Friday a cousin sent me a Facebook message asking if I'd be interested in her extra ticket for the Michael Franti & Spearhead concert on Monday (a.k.a. today). How could I pass up an offer like that?!
So, thanks to an awesome coworker who was willing to switch shifts with me and my fantastic cousin for asking me to join her, today after work I'm off to see one of my favorite bands perform and I can't wait.
If you've never seen Franti in concert or listened to his music, I implore you to do so. I joke a lot that his music is audible sunshine, but it really is. It is impossible to not dance and shake your groove thing with a giant smile while listening to his tunes.

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