06 January 2013

Sunday Confessions: Projects, Technology and Books

Project Life: I know I said I wasn't going to do it, but when January 1st rolled around I just couldn't resist the challenge. I am ONCE AGAIN attempting to complete a 365 Days project. But this time with a twist. A friend posted on her first photograph of the project (it's good to be doing it with others!) that she was going to follow Project Life 365 (or at least some of it). When I looked it up, I fell in love with the idea and have decided to do so as well. I think having a daily prompt, even if I don't follow it closely will be a huge help in actually completing this year. PLUS it will be a fantastic feeling to be able to cross "Complete a 365 Days Project" off my 35 Before 35 list! You can follow along with the project here: Three Hundred and Sixty Five

Year of the Project: Along with the Project Lift 365, I also have a few other projects sucking up my time this year. There is of course:
What can I say.....I like to stay busy!

Technology Waste: I have been lusting after an iPad ever since they were released. I could read books. I could work out ideas on the go. Save paper! It would be an awesome time saver. Well. I finally got one (my mom handed me down her old one after receiving a new on for Christmas) and do you know what I've done with it? Played Tiny Tower and hidden objects games. That's pretty much it besides dowloading apps to help with my original plan for why I needed an iPad. So yeah. 

Books. Books. Books!: Thanks to receiving an Amazon gift card for Christmas my "to read" list has grown exponentially and is now at a level of "out of control!". Right I'm making my way through three books: 
  1. Savage Cinderella, which is not holding my attention at all.
  2. Straight to Hell, which is kind of getting pretty good. And is even a little funny.
  3. Rock the Heart, which is awful. Thankfully it only cost $1.00 and is most likely going to end up in the "did not finish" list very soon. 


  1. I just got my first tablet and I'm still unsure about what I think. I took it on vacation with me and barely used it. In fact, right now on the bus ride home is probably the most I've used it and typing with it is driving me crazy because of how slow it feels. I think I'm going to have to get one of those keyboards for it because this kinda sucks.


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