23 December 2013


I took a wee bit of an unexpected hiatus from blogging. I think we all, at one time or another find ourselves struggling with time, life, friends, family, work, etc. and something has to give. In my case, it was the blog and finding a balance between where I was when I started writing here, where I currently find myself and where I'd like to be. I needed that break to take a bit of a breather and figure out whether or not I was ready for the change I felt needed to happen.  I don't know that I'm there yet, as we all are, it, I am a work in progress and don't know that I'll actually ever really get there.

But until then, I thought I'd at least share a bit of what has been going on around these parts over the last few weeks.

School Days // The semester ended last week and grades came out yesterday. I am extremely proud to say I ended up with a 4.0 in my psych class. Taking a hiatus from school for nearly a decade made the thought of going back nauseating. I couldn't figure out how I'd make it work with a heavy work schedule but I did and I'm pretty excited about it.

Big Apple // I spent last week in New York City playing tourist and trying not to annoy the locals. My favorite parts of the trip, other than spending time with friends were my visits to the New York Public Library and MoMA. The NYPL was really incredible. As a lover of books, it really was what I wanted the library to be. They had a great exhibit, The ABC of It: Why Children's Books Matter, that Vickie and I explored. As someone who didn't really fall in love with books and reading until they were a teen, it was interesting to explore a whole generation of books I'd not previously read. Wandering around MoMA was equal parts inspiring and discouraging. I always find myself itching to create some kind of art after visiting a museum, especially after seeing some of my favorite pieces, but this trip was different. Yes--since visiting MoMA I have felt the need to pick up my camera and start shooting again, to pick up my pencil and sketchbooks and draw something (ANYTHING) and maybe even do a bit of painting. But also discouraging--there are time when I feel like I'm not quite intelligent enough to create anything even remotely interesting and this is where I am currently finding myself. Let's face it, that is not a great place to be. But I'm finding my way out of that and it is all because of that trip.

The Plague // It's obviously NOT the plague, but it certainly feels like it. I managed to bring home with me a Big Apple sized cold that basically has me feeling like I am dying. It's not been fun and will hopefully be knocked out of my system in the next day or two.

The New Year // I already talked about my non-resolutions at the beginning of the month. They haven't really changed in theory maybe just a little more well thought out and maybe a little more stepping outside of the comfort zone.
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04 December 2013

Project: Pieces of Me

I haven't worked it all out yet.

The only thing I've worked out really is that I've lost my mind and there is not really a reason to even be starting a project of any kind right now.

Stop me if you've heard this one before. For the last month or so I've been tossing around the idea (again) of a year long project. I know. I know. There was the failed crochet project. The countless numbers of failed photography projects. And now that it's the end of the year, I'm fixing to do anyone one. Mmmmmkay. It's ridiculous, I know.

The thing about starting a new project is that I worry about the end result. What will it be? How will it look when everything is put together? Will anyone respond to what I've done? Will it make an impact, even on a small, personal level?

I never worry or think about the process or the journey of doing the project. But that is what I am going to focus on this year. Those moments in between the beginning and end. The moments that actually make the project what it is: an experience in self discovery, growth and understanding.

The other day I mentioned that I was kicking around a photography project and that is what this project will be. A weekly photograph to not only document the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 but this time there will be words attached. Thoughts. Poems. Music lyrics. I've yet to figure out what medium I'll use to put it all together or whether or not it will be shared. There are times when I worry that it might all end up being a bit too personal for public consumption, but you never know. I could wake up tomorrow morning and decide to throw together a website/blog dedicated only to this little endeavor.
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02 December 2013

Music Monday: Saints of Valory

I'm not typically a fan of covers. It is one of the reasons I dislike shows like American Idol, The Voice, etc. I don't want to know how well folks can sing other peoples songs. I want to know how well they sing their own songs. Music snobbery at its finest.

But best of all I'm going to throw all of the above out the window for today's Music Monday post.

I saw Saints of Valory this summer when they opened for Michael Franti & Spearhead in Grand Rapids. There were quite a bit of fun live and were a great primer for Spearhead. I dug their set so much, I ended up downloading their newest ep, Possibilities before leaving the venue.

They didn't do this version of Lorde's song "Royals" at the show I was at, but it's a great version of the song. I actually think I might this better than the original.

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01 December 2013

Sunday Squawk: Non-Resolutions

Err........hello there, December.


December. I'm not ready for this. AT. ALL.


How the hell has everyone been? As per usual, things have been dreadfully dull about these parts. I have no apologies or excuses for the sporadic dry spells. Life, you know? Oh. And I did follow through with a new blog. I'm digging the freedom of anonymity right now and I will likely keep it that way. The freedom to say what you want without the repercussions of people from real life finding out. absolutely amazing.

But in the spirit of not being totally separate, this is a carry over from the other blog with  few editions and subtractions.

As I have mentioned on the blog before,  I HATE New Year Resolutions. HATE. THEM. Each time I've sat down and thoughtfully made a list of all the things I'd like to accomplish in the new year, I've failed miserably. It just ends up being a list of things that I know I won't follow through on. 

Instead, I've started a tradition of New Year Suggestions. It's a list I always work on well before the new year. I never complete the items on said list. And well, I'm kind of o.k. with that. A pessimist way of thinking? Nah. I like to think of myself as a realist.

Here's my list for upcoming new year:
  • Finish the C25k program and run a damn 5k. I don't even know how many times I've put this "goal" on a list and never completed it. I want to be a runner. There are days I feel like I was meant to be a runner but my body, specifically my hip, doesn't agree with me. But it's going to happen. I just know it. And until it happens, I'm keeping it on the list. 
  • Read 50 books a.k.a. read a book a week. Again. This is on the list every year. And every year I fail miserably. Obviously we still have a month to go, but thus far I've only managed to read 39 books. Dismal. Absolutely dismal. 
  • Finish a project. I actually have a project in mind, but seeing as it is a photography related project, it will likely remain unfinished as I can't seem to complete ANYTHING that requires a camera. 
  • Wear more glitter! I'm not a skinny girl. I never have been. Never will be, but I still have this nagging little voice in the back of my head reminding me that "Girls like you don't wear that kind of stuff" and that voice sounds freakishly like my Grandmother who use to repeatedly tell me such things ALL THE TIME which I am sure is why my wardrobe is almost entirely black. Where is the fun in that?! So this year it's going to be more color, more glitter, more SPARKLE! 

What is on your list?

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30 November 2013

Fat Girl

In under 3 minutes, this pretty much sums up everything I've ever been told.

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25 November 2013

Music Monday: John Mayer

Question: What happens when you totally forget you have tickets to see you favorite musician?

Answer: You look at your calendar at work trying to figure out why I've put down that you are out of the office a noon on a Wednesday.

This is what happened when I was sorting things out at work for the week of Thanksgiving. Some how it had totally slipped my mind that I'd be seeing John Mayer in GR this week. It's either a sign that I am losing my mind or that I have to much going on right now to keep anything straight.

I'm going with the second option.

Since I've featured him quite heavily on the blog, I'm going something a little different. One of my absolute favorite songs that Mayer has done is Stitched Up which he recorded with Herbie Hancock for Hancock's album Possibilities. It's really fun watching the process they go through writing and recording the tune.

I'd highly suggest picking up a copy of the album or watching the whole documentary. It's really amazing stuff. 
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24 November 2013

Life Lately

It is official. It is impossible for me to fight it any longer. Winter has arrived. I know. I know. I live in a part of the country where it is inevitable (and my job kind of depends on it) but I don't like it. If somehow we could figure out how to keep the snow off the roads and out of my driveway, then maybe I'd be o.k. with it. But until then, I am not happy. At least it's nice to look at though.

Speaking of work. It has been anything but pleasant. I don't talk about it much here and I'm not going to now other than to say, it is really frustrating to have an amazing day off doing something you find insanely interesting (seriously--I spent a day last week working on a paper for my psych class and loved every damn minute of it) only to go to work the next day and have the wind taken out of your sails the moment you walk through the door. When you feel like you can't have a day off, it's time to admit something is terribly wrong.

School has been going o.k. Last week (thanks to work) was a bit of a struggle which was sadly reflected in my assignment grades. This week didn't feel much better, but hopefully I was at least able to fake it enough make it seem like I had ample time to work on things. One of the assignments I had was to watch a TED Talk that Beau Lotto gave. This man is fascinating. If you have time, I highly suggest watching the following video on Optical Illusions. It is mind blowing.

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19 November 2013


I've been a wee bit of a slacker lately.

I guess it's not really "lately" if I haven't really worked out (and by working out I mean pushing myself to my limit) since August.

Yeah. It's been awhile.

But for the past couple of weeks, I've been feeling that NEED to get back at it again. Just kind a slight inkling or little twinge of "Maybe I should give it another go" but a full on OBSESSION with getting back a routine at the gym. And it is sadly not for reasons I am all that proud of.

I still have this annoying little voice in the back of my head, reminding me of all my flaws: I'm not skinny (and never will be). I'm not all that tall. I'm lumpy. My thighs jiggle. My tummy is not flat. I'm uber pale white. And I'm not terribly pretty.

Yes I know.....that voice is the back of my head is my own, repeating all the shitty things I have been told over the years and that my self worth is not based on any of that. Because when you get beyond the surface of the shy, chubby girl who just wants to be liked, there is a whole other, unexpected person. A person who is quite funny, witty, wicked smart, caring, and empathetic. She's just really hard to find.

What does any of that have to do with going back to the gym?!

When I was heading to the gym nearly every day of the week this summer, I felt AMAZING about myself. I don't remember feeling that good about who I was in a long time. Sure I wore a tank top over the top of my bathing suit (fyi: halter tops and keyhole bathing suits do NOT work if you are super busty hence the tank hiding the crazy cleavage), but I WORE a bathing suit while hanging out with friends at their pool and didn't trying to hide. I wore compression pants (a.ka. spandex for life!) while at the gym for running and working out and didn't once care about the sideways glances I was getting. And then I walked from the gym to my car in said spandex and didn't give two shakes about what anyone thought.

But today? None of that would happen.

In fact, this morning when I was getting ready for work, I found myself purposely digging out clothes that hide my lumps and bumps and that help hold in my tummy so I have some curves. And all I wanted to do (and did) was cry.

I cried because I miss who I was three months ago. I miss looking at my closet knowing that I'm about rock the crap out of my favorite dress and boots. I miss not feeling like I look and feel like Jabba the Hut.

But today I'm making my way back. Making my way back to the person I know and love and adore. She is the same person I am today, but a little more sure of herself. She knows she is strong, independent, funny, smart, beautiful and amazing. She knows she is "enough" just as she is and won't compromise herself for a mold someone else created.
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18 November 2013

Music Monday: Jason Walker

This series has gone from "Hey! How about I share some of my favorite tunes with ya'll!" to "Hey! Check out this new-to-me-song I just discovered!"

Today's selection came up on Pandora while I was at work this weekend. It would be safe to say I'm in a bit of a melancholy mood and this song fits perfectly.

I also think it's a bit interesting that I heard this song on the same day I read the following quote:
If I'm sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it tomorrow? I'm starting to think the universe is trying to tell me something. 
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17 November 2013

Sunday Squawk

Squawk: I am trying out a new name for this series since they really aren't confessions. We'll see how long it sticks.

Good friends: It's been kind of a rough week but leave it to my friends to turn it around. I received
the BEST email before leaving for the day (at work) from a friend which simply read, "Lame. WOO HIM!!!" I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to go about doing that, but I'm going to go ahead and give it a good 'ole try.

French Movies: This week I stepped a bit outside of my usual movie genres of drama, art-house films and violent actions movies and have watch a few French, romantic comedies. Populaire (the way the story played out between the two main characters was adorable) was my favorite, followed closely by Romantics Anonymous (the scene where Jean-Rene is talking to his therapist about "letting the anxiety win" just about did me in) and Heart Breaker (they did the dance scene from Dirty Dancing, what isn't there to love about that!). Plus, Romain Duris was in 2 of the 3 films and he is lovely to look at.

NYC or Bust: I leave for the bright lights and the big city in exactly four weeks. I can't wait to spend some time with the ladies and play native in the city for a week. And I'm totally open to suggestions as to what I should check out while I'm there. Thus far, the only thing on my list is Rockefeller Center.

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13 November 2013

Wednesday Wishlist

Do ya'll have those days or even weeks where you think to yourself, "If only I had....." or "If only I could....."?

This has been my November. So rather than obsess about it, I've decided to make it into a (short) list because then MAYBE one day I'll be able to check said items off the list. Positive thinking. That's what this is all about. Positive thinking.

So here's the list of "If only I could....."
  • Reclaim my funny. This has been an ongoing issue. My funny is lost and it has been for some time. I'm much more of a good time than one would be able to deduce from recent posts. Someday I'll find it again and I'll share it with the world.
  • Run a mile without feeling like my lungs are going to explode or my legs are going to fall off. This could be due to the cold weather right now, but doubt it. I'm just out of practice. 
  • Utter three little words to someone and NOT worry about them saying "No." One would think that I'd be slightly used to rejection, but nope. I'm not. What I'd really like to do is just hand said person a copy of Ben Rector's new album, The Walking In Between, and tell him to list to track #5. 
  • Knit. I'm pretty good with a crochet hook and some yarn. But knitting needles? Nope. I can't seem to get it together, but there are so many super cute patterns out there that I want to try, but they are for knitting and not crocheting. 
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11 November 2013

Music Monday: No One But You

I absolutely cannot study, read, work on homework, etc. without music in the background. It helps me focus on the task at hand. And most of the time I don't even pay any attention to the song that is playing. But sometimes, I'm caught off guard and am forced to stop why I am doing just to listen.

This weekend while working on assignments for my Psych class, I put on one of my favorite playlists from Songza, Conversation Pieces. It's an eclectic mix of all sorts of stuff. Occasionally there is an absolute gem that comes up on this list that I've not previously heard.

That was the case with the song No One But You by Stuart Duncan, Chris Thile, Edgar Mayer, Yo-Yo Ma and Aoife O'Donaovan. This song is a beautiful piece of music. And quite the distraction. I never did manage to get my assignment completed.

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10 November 2013

Sunday Confessions: Still Not Really Confessions Edition

What the what?

I can't believe it is Sunday afternoon already.

Last week was ridiculous and flew by in what felt like just a wink! Between work, Sadie and school my spare time was pretty non-existant. Thankfully though, my class has the same weekly schedule (unlike my last one which was ALL over the place) so all things school related should ease up a bit from here on out. The rest of it? Who knows. I've given up on trying to have any semblance of a normal schedule.

And I also need to come up with a new title for this series of random stuff on Sundays. I'll be taking suggestions all week.

Boredom: I am absolutely one of those people who dives head first into a new hobby only to get bored with it and move onto something else. The more I have been drawing, the more I've started to move to things that could you a bit of color. And while I have a set of beautiful colored pencils, they just weren't doing it for me. So I decided to try some else. My new "something else" is painting. I used to paint a lot but never quite got the hang of it. But thanks to a bunch of pretty good sales PLUS additional coupons, I stocked up on some watercolor supplies at Michael's the other day. This mushroom is my first attempt at painting one of my drawings. It's not great. But it's also not half bad. I still need to go back in and add the shading and details but thus far, I'm quite pleased.

Movie Bonanza: It's been cold and rainy which means I have been in full on movie mode the last couple of weeks. A couple of friends and I head out to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend. It was good. Kind of dragged in some places and seemed to be really long, but overall I enjoyed it. But what I'd really like to see is Loki have his own movie. Seriously. Hollywood, I need you to make that happen. Stat. I also watched Iron Man 3 (a bit underwhelming), Sharknado (I couldn't even finish it)  and Blancanieves (fantastic!). Next up is World War Z and White House Down.

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04 November 2013

Music Monday: I Like You

Oh hey!

Because I've not had his "stuff" on the blog enough lately, it's another Ben Rector song!

Anyone else sensing a pattern here?

Happy Monday, ya'll. 
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03 November 2013

Sunday Confessions

Oh Sunday.

We meet again for another round of "confessions" which really should just be called "I've got some random stuff today say that doesn't really fit anywhere else".

NaNoWriMo: The first three days of NaNoWriMo have gone very differently than I thought they would. I am quite happy with what I've written so far, but it's not what I had planned. But that is fine. At least I am writing.

The Walk In Between: Remember last week when I said I was thinking about bailing on this blog and starting a new one? Well, I went so far as registering a new domain name any everything. I've yet to decide if I'll ever use it, but it's there. What I really should do is stop whining about not writing and just take a blogging break.

Ausmusauce: The Detroit Tigers have a press conference scheduled today which I am HOPING will be the announcement of their new manager. All things point to Brad Ausmus being their new manager, which I must say I am very excited about but for purely non-baseball reasons. I mean seriously. And I won't apologize for shamelessly swooning over him. Even if it kills some of my baseball credibility. Seriously though, he knows his stuff. The interview he did on NPR's Fresh Air back in 2011 is pretty good.

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01 November 2013

NaNoWriMo: Third Times a Charm

There is no logical explanation for what I am about to write.

It doesn't make any sense especially when there are so many things against me, time being the biggest thing of all.

I don't have much of it to spare. School. Work. General living. Those three things suck up most of it. Well, sleep does too but I digress.

Regardless, I am once again going to try my hand at NaNoWriMo. I've had an unquenchable desire to start writing again. Ideas that are begging to be put onto paper, to have a life of their own. But none of them (I am sad to say) are novel worthy. They are short snippets of what might be or could have been. None of them have a full shelf life of more than a few passing glances, but that's the basis of this years project.

Each time I've sat down before for this project, I've had grand delusions of a full-fledged "novel", trying to squeeze pages out of a story that just wasn't there. In the overall view of things, I'm not a "novelist". My words belong in short stories and essays (I suppose this is why I have a blog or three) and that is how I plan to attack this years project. Small stores, snippets into the lives of those characters who live inside my head. Who are all connected yet separate.

My initial thought would be a story a day. A small glimpse into my favorite part of writing, the characters. But even that seems to limiting. Some will have more to say. Some less. So I'm going to keep it fluid and if needed constantly changing. Because for me, the only way I can write is if it feels honest, uncontrived and without any sense of direction.

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31 October 2013

Crochet Along: Snood

I have missed the last couple of Alicia's Crochet Alongs for one reason or another.

But I could not pass up this months project, a snood!

I had recently been gifted some yarn from a friends mother-in-law which included a couple skeins of Lion Brands Wool-Ease sportweight. Sorry for the lack of information about it, but according to Lion Brand's website this is no longer available, which is quite sad. I really liked working with this yarn and LOVE the colors. It has such a different look to it based on the light (as you can see in the photos) that it is perfect for fall, winter and dare I say even spring.

The pattern Alicia's picked for this project is by Oombawka Designs. It was actually quite easy to follow and I loved that it included a stitch I had not previously used. But in the end, because I was using the lightweight yarn, ended up using a totally different stitch for the project.

I LOVE the way it turned out though. I've already worn it to work and received a number of compliments on it. I've even had a friend asking about learning to make one for herself.

Happy crocheting!
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29 October 2013

Read: Gone Girl

I have put off reading this book for quite awhile.

Numerous friends had suggested it and for reasons I am going to keep to myself, I avoided it.

This past weekend, though I decided to finally give in to the prodding and suggesting and give it a try. To be honest, I didn't have high hopes. My disinterest in books had kept me from actually finishing one since August (yes, it's been two months since I had finished a book) and my previous experiences with Flynn's books always left me a little rattled (her books have been packed with far too many triggers for my liking).

It took me less than 24 hours to finish reading Gone Girl.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Synopsis: On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne's fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick's clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn't doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife's head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media--as well as Amy's fiercely doting parents--the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he's definitely bitter--but is he really a killer? 

As the cops close in, every couple in town is soon wondering how well they know the one that they love. With his twin sister, Margo, at his side, Nick stands by his innocence. Trouble is, if Nick didn't do it, where is that beautiful wife? And what was in that silvery gift box hidden in the back of her bedroom closet? With her razor-sharp writing and trademark psychological insight, Gillian Flynn delivers a fast-paced, devilishly dark, and ingeniously plotted thriller that confirms her status as one of the hottest writers around.

This book had me hooked from the start.

Nick, the psuedo-picture perfect guy I had imagined in my own future and Amy, a female character I actually (if only for a few short moments) liked and found myself relating to. A couple that was so perfect in their flaws as people, a couple, it was hard not to like them. But then the story started to unfold, to envelope me (the reader) in their lives.

There were so many twists and turns in this one, it was hard to know which end was up. But Flynn's style of writing doesn't lose you in the confusion of the story. It holds you close, but not so close you can see what is coming. It's a book that really does demand your time because it is so hard to walk away from. At the end of each chapter, I found it kept pulling me back in for "just one more before bed".

I can count on one hand the number of books that have left me feeling different for having read them. This one left me rattled at the end. Gutted. Trying to figure out the answer to so many questions of "Why?!" "Why did that happen?" "Why would anyone behave that way?" "Why would anyone treat another person so horribly?" and "Why would anyone think that was o.k.?".
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28 October 2013

Music Monday: Lou Reed

I had something else lined up for today, but then I read this from Rolling Stone:

Lou Reed is among a great number of musicians and band whom I don't remember listening to for the first time. They are part of my history that has just always been there. Because well, the music has always been there.

I do however remember popping in my copy of The Velvet Underground & Nico's cassette tape and melting into the floor while listening to it. I must have been 15, an age when I was starting to really understand and appreciate the power of music. There was something magical about the way the music came out of the speakers. There was a perfection in their imperfections that left me feeling hollow because I felt like I had missing out of the songs for so long.

Perfect Day continues to be one of the most perfect songs (for me) that has even been written. I will be the first to admit that the reason I like the idea of sangria has everything to do with this song.

RIP Mr. Reed. May your music live on in the souls of your fans forever.

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27 October 2013

Sunday Confessions

Simplify: I'm not sure one could really tell based on the current state of disarray of my house, but I'm in the process of a major simplification. Getting rid of EVERYTHING I don't need, use and/or want has been a big undertaking but has left me feeling pretty darn good.

Book Fetish: I finally, FINALLY found a book that has grabbed my attention. So much so I couldn't WAIT to get up in the morning to start reading it. I'll have a full post on it on Tuesday, but until then, if you haven't ready, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Gone Girl. Such a good read. And I'm am finding myself not feeling bad even in the slightest that I'm not a fan of he lead female character Amy, any version of her.

Starting Over: I've toyed with the idea lately of abandoning Miles from Ordinary for something else. Something new. It's felt a little stale. And staleness doesn't exactly breed creativity or inspiration of any kind.

Misunderstood: I've been reminded (again) many times over that there are things my friends will just not understand about me and I need to let that go. They were a giggling mess when I tried telling them about Glitter. There was a resounding "NO!" when Random's name came up in conversation. And the idea that I have to, for a lack of a better term, "dumb down my vocabulary" (their words not mine) because they don't understand what I am saying is beyond frustrating. And yes, bitching about "personal things" that "people in my real like might read about" is breaking blogging rule number 18693 but this isn't anything they don't know.

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26 October 2013

Waxing Poetic

Inspiration has been pretty hard to come by these days.

It seems like I get up, I go to work, I come home, I go to bed.

Little has been able to hold my attention for more than a few moments. A movie, a drawing, a book. I feel like a bit of a hummingbird flitting from flower to flower, terrified that if I stay a moment too long something will go horribly wrong.

Some would blame this all on a change in the weather. Winter, yes WINTER seems to be knocking on the front door with a vengeance. Begging, no demanding to be let in despite the fact that it's a month early. Some would say it is this drastic change that has thrown me into a bit of a tailspin that I am powerless to stop.

They would be right, but not for the reason they think. Yes, technically it's the change in the weather. The change in season bringing along something new. Something that has my head swirling as I try to make sense of it all.

But it's not a thing or what and at the risk of completely outing myself it's a who. It's a reminder that things don't always go like we want them to go. That life doesn't always play fair. And that despite the overwhelming feeling that it's impossible, that it just isn't in the cards, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, just maybe the tiniest bit of hope lies in the belief that there are surprises around every corner and we just need to be open to accepting them. And then remembering not to fuck it up when it does happen.

Honest to Blog is a series where I let my pen glide across the paper without letting my inner editor know what is going on. Some posts might be controversial. Some might be a bit boring and some might be downright ridiculous. But they will all be open, honest and 100% me.
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