Inspiration has been pretty hard to come by these days.
It seems like I get up, I go to work, I come home, I go to bed.
Little has been able to hold my attention for more than a few moments. A movie, a drawing, a book. I feel like a bit of a hummingbird flitting from flower to flower, terrified that if I stay a moment too long something will go horribly wrong.
Some would blame this all on a change in the weather. Winter, yes WINTER seems to be knocking on the front door with a vengeance. Begging, no demanding to be let in despite the fact that it's a month early. Some would say it is this drastic change that has thrown me into a bit of a tailspin that I am powerless to stop.
They would be right, but not for the reason they think. Yes, technically it's the change in the weather. The change in season bringing along something new. Something that has my head swirling as I try to make sense of it all.
But it's not a thing or what and at the risk of completely outing myself it's a who. It's a reminder that things don't always go like we want them to go. That life doesn't always play fair. And that despite the overwhelming feeling that it's impossible, that it just isn't in the cards, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, just maybe the tiniest bit of hope lies in the belief that there are surprises around every corner and we just need to be open to accepting them. And then remembering not to fuck it up when it does happen.
It seems like I get up, I go to work, I come home, I go to bed.
Little has been able to hold my attention for more than a few moments. A movie, a drawing, a book. I feel like a bit of a hummingbird flitting from flower to flower, terrified that if I stay a moment too long something will go horribly wrong.
Some would blame this all on a change in the weather. Winter, yes WINTER seems to be knocking on the front door with a vengeance. Begging, no demanding to be let in despite the fact that it's a month early. Some would say it is this drastic change that has thrown me into a bit of a tailspin that I am powerless to stop.
They would be right, but not for the reason they think. Yes, technically it's the change in the weather. The change in season bringing along something new. Something that has my head swirling as I try to make sense of it all.
But it's not a thing or what and at the risk of completely outing myself it's a who. It's a reminder that things don't always go like we want them to go. That life doesn't always play fair. And that despite the overwhelming feeling that it's impossible, that it just isn't in the cards, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, just maybe the tiniest bit of hope lies in the belief that there are surprises around every corner and we just need to be open to accepting them. And then remembering not to fuck it up when it does happen.
Honest to Blog is a series where I let my pen glide across the paper without letting my inner editor know what is going on. Some posts might be controversial. Some might be a bit boring and some might be downright ridiculous. But they will all be open, honest and 100% me.

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