03 October 2013

Oh, It's Happening: October Baseball

I know it technically started with the Wild Card Playoff game on Tuesday, but for me, tonight is the night!

Playoff baseball is here.

Who's excited?!

I will fully admit to being one of those fans that doesn't really know a whole lot about the game. I know just enough to hold my own during a casual conversation at the bar and to annoy my friends. But when it comes to my team? I know all about them. Everyone else? Not so much. But that doesn't take away the fact that I love the game of baseball and will watch it any way I can get it.

It also didn't stop me from making my post-season predictions which are:

  • American League: Detroit beats Oakland in four/Boston beats Tampa Bay in five. Detroit then beats Boston in six games to win the American League Title. 
  • National League: Los Angeles beats Atlanta in four/Pittsburgh beats St. Louis in four. Los Angels then beats Pittsburgh in five games to win the National League Title. 
  • Detroit beats Los Angeles in six games to win the 2013 World Series.
These were made using a very scientific approach called "my gut". AND they were made prior to both Wild Card Playoff games which I think is kind of awesome. 

If anyone needs me for the next couple of weeks, I'll be glued to post-season baseball broadcasts and cheering on my Detroit Tigers!
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  1. I have a feeling from MY "gut" that Oakland is going to give you guys a run for it... :)

  2. I don't doubt that one bit! It's going to be a good series.


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