I took a wee bit of an unexpected hiatus from blogging. I think we all, at one time or another find ourselves struggling with time, life, friends, family, work, etc. and something has to give. In my case, it was the blog and finding a balance between where I was when I started writing here, where I currently find myself and where I'd like to be. I needed that break to take a bit of a breather and figure out whether or not I was ready for the change I felt needed to happen. I don't know that I'm there yet, as we all are, it, I am a work in progress and don't know that I'll actually ever really get there.
But until then, I thought I'd at least share a bit of what has been going on around these parts over the last few weeks.
School Days // The semester ended last week and grades came out yesterday. I am extremely proud to say I ended up with a 4.0 in my psych class. Taking a hiatus from school for nearly a decade made the thought of going back nauseating. I couldn't figure out how I'd make it work with a heavy work schedule but I did and I'm pretty excited about it.
Big Apple // I spent last week in New York City playing tourist and trying not to annoy the locals. My favorite parts of the trip, other than spending time with friends were my visits to the New York Public Library and MoMA. The NYPL was really incredible. As a lover of books, it really was what I wanted the library to be. They had a great exhibit, The ABC of It: Why Children's Books Matter, that Vickie and I explored. As someone who didn't really fall in love with books and reading until they were a teen, it was interesting to explore a whole generation of books I'd not previously read. Wandering around MoMA was equal parts inspiring and discouraging. I always find myself itching to create some kind of art after visiting a museum, especially after seeing some of my favorite pieces, but this trip was different. Yes--since visiting MoMA I have felt the need to pick up my camera and start shooting again, to pick up my pencil and sketchbooks and draw something (ANYTHING) and maybe even do a bit of painting. But also discouraging--there are time when I feel like I'm not quite intelligent enough to create anything even remotely interesting and this is where I am currently finding myself. Let's face it, that is not a great place to be. But I'm finding my way out of that and it is all because of that trip.
The Plague // It's obviously NOT the plague, but it certainly feels like it. I managed to bring home with me a Big Apple sized cold that basically has me feeling like I am dying. It's not been fun and will hopefully be knocked out of my system in the next day or two.
The New Year // I already talked about my non-resolutions at the beginning of the month. They haven't really changed in theory maybe just a little more well thought out and maybe a little more stepping outside of the comfort zone.

I can relate to not feeling intelligent enough or feeling like I couldn't possibly create anything close to remotely interesting. I think a lot of that is just Resistance/Bitch Inner Critic talk though. I mean, heck... I live in New York City where everything is supposed to be interesting, and I *still* think it's boring!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I probably should have sent this to you before you went to NY, but better late than never for something funny! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LmPBPWHJu4
ReplyDeleteSorry about the plague but way to go on the 4.0 and glad to hear you had a great time in New York - I've always wanted to go! Feel better..