What the what?
I can't believe it is Sunday afternoon already.
Last week was ridiculous and flew by in what felt like just a wink! Between work, Sadie and school my spare time was pretty non-existant. Thankfully though, my class has the same weekly schedule (unlike my last one which was ALL over the place) so all things school related should ease up a bit from here on out. The rest of it? Who knows. I've given up on trying to have any semblance of a normal schedule.
And I also need to come up with a new title for this series of random stuff on Sundays. I'll be taking suggestions all week.
Movie Bonanza: It's been cold and rainy which means I have been in full on movie mode the last couple of weeks. A couple of friends and I head out to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend. It was good. Kind of dragged in some places and seemed to be really long, but overall I enjoyed it. But what I'd really like to see is Loki have his own movie. Seriously. Hollywood, I need you to make that happen. Stat. I also watched Iron Man 3 (a bit underwhelming), Sharknado (I couldn't even finish it) and Blancanieves (fantastic!). Next up is World War Z and White House Down.
I can't believe it is Sunday afternoon already.
Last week was ridiculous and flew by in what felt like just a wink! Between work, Sadie and school my spare time was pretty non-existant. Thankfully though, my class has the same weekly schedule (unlike my last one which was ALL over the place) so all things school related should ease up a bit from here on out. The rest of it? Who knows. I've given up on trying to have any semblance of a normal schedule.
And I also need to come up with a new title for this series of random stuff on Sundays. I'll be taking suggestions all week.
Boredom: I am absolutely one of those people who dives head first into a new hobby only to get bored with it and move onto something else. The more I have been drawing, the more I've started to move to things that could you a bit of color. And while I have a set of beautiful colored pencils, they just weren't doing it for me. So I decided to try some else. My new "something else" is painting. I used to paint a lot but never quite got the hang of it. But thanks to a bunch of pretty good sales PLUS additional coupons, I stocked up on some watercolor supplies at Michael's the other day. This mushroom is my first attempt at painting one of my drawings. It's not great. But it's also not half bad. I still need to go back in and add the shading and details but thus far, I'm quite pleased.
Movie Bonanza: It's been cold and rainy which means I have been in full on movie mode the last couple of weeks. A couple of friends and I head out to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend. It was good. Kind of dragged in some places and seemed to be really long, but overall I enjoyed it. But what I'd really like to see is Loki have his own movie. Seriously. Hollywood, I need you to make that happen. Stat. I also watched Iron Man 3 (a bit underwhelming), Sharknado (I couldn't even finish it) and Blancanieves (fantastic!). Next up is World War Z and White House Down.

Yes, I'm the same with hobbies too. All into it, I spend a ton of money for it, and then I'm over it. You do a great job painting tho! And I hear you with Thor - I said the same thing, it dragged in parts. But overall I laughed a lot. Love Loki.