No need to adjust your eyes. It's true. I actually sat my ass down and read some books.
Yes plural, BOOKS! Two of them this week. The other I finished awhile ago but just never got around to posting about it. Either way, I'm pretty excited about that.
Yes plural, BOOKS! Two of them this week. The other I finished awhile ago but just never got around to posting about it. Either way, I'm pretty excited about that.

The story itself was a pretty typical zombie/apocalypse story; there is an uprising of the undead and humanity is forced to figure out how it's going to survive. The way the author presents it though, allows you to be drawn into the story of the characters lives--past and present, without only focusing on what they are currently experiences.
It seemed fairly obvious that this was written with sequels in mind--there is no resolution at the end, which I kind of liked. If this does indeed turn into a series, I will absolutely be checking out the next installments.

I don't really know what to say about about the next two books hence the really short and not very helpful tidbits I've posted about them. I will say that this series is the series Fifty Shades wants to be when it grows up. Also, thank you to Jennifer for suggesting the Masters of the Shadowlands series.
The first book in the series, Club Shadowlands does a great job at setting the scene for the rest of the series, introducing you to the club, Master Z and a number of other characters you get to know more "intimately" later on. It also introduces you to the general theme that is carried out through the series.

The second book, Dark Citadel (the title makes no sense to me) actually made me squirm a little, which I have to admit is hard to do. There were a couple of times when I had to set it down and take a bit of a breather. This one definitely pushed some boundaries, so much so I'm taking a bit of a break before I move onto the third book, Breaking Free.

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