03 September 2012

35 Before 35

I realize that this may seem a bit redundant since I already have my Bucket List (and some of the items are the same), but there is no "finality" with that one. No end game. This at least has some direction, to be finished by my 35th birthday. And since my 33rd birthday is a mere six weeks ago, I thought now was the perfect time to get this started!

Some of the things on the list will be a piece of cake.

Some will be exceptionally hard.

And some just won't happen.....at all.

Regardless of how many items are actually crossed off by October 14, 2016, it's going to be a good journey. Because that's really what life is about. Embracing the moments as they come and enjoying the ride. The destination, is just the cherry on top.

I'll randomly post updates on my progress or you call follow along here: 35 Before 35.

Here is the list, in no particular order:
  1. Visit my grandmothers grave and plant flowers
  2. Run a 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon
  3. Learn to develop my own film
  4. Finish writing my manuscript OR start a new one and finish it
  5. Create a short film
  6. Lean to make rice milk from scratch
  7. Visit NYC and play ultimate tourist with Vickie
  8. Learn to quilt and make a quilt
  9. Learn to sew and make a dress
  10. Learn to play the mandolin a.k.a. the one I already own
  11. Road trip! Destination TBA
  12. Visit a ghost town
  13. Go to Graceland
  14. Start and maintain a vegetable garden (year round???)
  15. Go all natural and make more homemade products (lotion, face wash, cleaner, etc)
  16. Go cliff diving
  17. Read 10 banned books
  18. Fall in love
  19. Go on a ballpark tour with Micah
  20. Go on a mediation retreat
  21. Start a baseball blog or post series
  22. Go to opening day at Comerica Park with my dad
  23. Complete a 365 days (self portrait) photography project
  24. Work towards finishing my degree
  25. Start a collection
  26. Get organized
  27. Finish redoing my bedroom
  28. Re-do the garage
  29. Create a sanctuary in the backyard
  30. Get a quarter sleeve (tattoo)
  31. Finish the front landscaping/porch
  32. Learn a 2nd language
  33. Go on more photowalks
  34. Go thrifting!
  35. Live more


  1. i just wanted to tell you that you're one of my favorite people. have i told you that already?

    1. Best compliment ever and totally goes both ways!


Thanks for reading!

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