28 October 2012

Sunday Confessions: WS, Life, Elementary

World Series: Tonight is potentially the last game the Detroit Tigers will play this 2012 baseball season. Regardless of how the game tonight ends, I am so unbelievably proud of the team and everything they have accomplished. Sure the season might not end the way us fans want it to, but I'm choosing to focus on what went right instead of what went wrong and can't WAIT to see what these guys are able to accomplish in 2013!

Life In General: Do ya'll have one of those days or this case weekends where nothing and I mean NOTHING goes the way it is supposed to? That is kind of how this weekend has gone here. I feel like I  am being pulled in twenty different directions by twenty different people and my best just isn't good enough.....for any of them. I'd really like a do-over but since that isn't going to happen, I suppose a few glasses of wine and maybe some tears will have to do.

Elementary: I don't want to, but I REALLY love this show. Sure it's kind of a big departure from the traditional Sherlock Holmes tales that I simply love and adore, but saying that I like this one kind of makes me feel like I am cheating on Benedict Cumberbatch and his version of Holmes, who lets face it, is my perfect, dysfunctional dude.


  1. Hola Meg,
    I know exactly what you mean about feeling pulled from all directions by zillion different people (I exaggerated on number of people), I know about the tears too, what I do is have some calming and try to meditate. Hope next weekend is better for you my friend!

    ~SimplyyMayra :)


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