05 August 2013

Music Monday: Mayer

First things first.

I am happy to announce that Charlotte is the winner of the Glitter giveaway! I want to thank everyone who entered and took the time to learn more about the book!

Now back to our regularly scheduled post!

It's been kind of a long time since I've seen this guy in concert.
Photograph taken by Moi
Grand Rapids, MI
February 2010

August of 2010 to be exact.

But on Friday two of my closest friends (both of whom I met because of Mayer, how fun is that!!) will be driving to Chicago to see him in concert.

Until then, I'll be practicing my dance moves and jammin' to this tune.

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  1. I'm going to see him in concert tomorrow! It will be my first John Mayer concert! I'm super excited!

  2. Have fun at the concert!! He puts on such an amazing show. I'd love to hear what you thought of it.:)

  3. It was amazing! I shared a bunch of pictures on my blog if you want to check it out! :)


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