13 March 2013

Weekly Reads

This has been a good week for books! I must say, it has been quite refreshing to read a couple of titles where I didn't hate the lead character. Trust me.....it's an ongoing issue and I'm happy to see that it is resolving itself.

This week I've read.....

My Liege of Dark Haven by Cherise Sinclair: Meh. It was o.k. I definitely preferred the characters in her Masters of the Shadowlands series more than the characters in this one. But I think it is mostly because I have finally reached my fill of this genre.

Take the Monkey's and Run by Karen Cantwell: This was a fun book to read. It's the first book in Cantwell's Barabara Marr Murder Mystery series. It was really well paced, the writing was good and I adored Barb, the heroine of the book which was the best part. She was a character that I felt like could be my neighbor and someone I could absolutely go sneaking around the neighborhood with in the middle of the night. 

Citizen Insane by Karen Cantell: This is the second book in Cantwell's Barbara Marr Murder Mystery series. Like the first book. it was really well paced. There were a number of laugh-out-loud moments at some of the over the top hi-jinx Barbara and her friends find themselves in, but all in all another fun read. 


  1. I love when books can make you literally laugh out loud. Best feeling ever. Until people give you weird looks...


Thanks for reading!

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