17 February 2013

Sunday Confessions

Lazy Day: I do not plan on getting out of my pj's today except to maybe shower before putting on a clean pair to spend some time with my books reading the day away.

Hair Disaster: Why does shortish hair have to be so damn hard to style? The other day a fellow blogger who has a similar hair cut/style as mine posted a ridiculously easy tutorial on curling your hair using a flat iron. Seemed simple enough. Yeah.....not so much. Instead of messy curls I ended up with a head full of frizz. But I shan't be deterred! I'll likely fry my hair to bits trying, but I will end up with curls someday. 

Vacation: I need my vacation to get here, like yesterday. I just need a break from a lot of things and even a lot of people. I need some me time on a beach with a slushy adult drink in my hand reading or napping or watching hunky beach boys do their thing. 


  1. I think using a curling iron just takes some practice- something that I've never needed to master since I already have curly hair!

    I love a day where I don't need to get out of my jammies.

    1. I'm hoping with a little practice I'll be able to sort it out. I'm usually pulling my hair back in a ponytail so anything beyond that is kind of "advanced" for me.

  2. 1.) I blame the weather. Today I was supposed to go to market to get fixin's for a nice healthy taco salad. Instead I was like "Yeah, let's order pizza." And then it was: "Aw man, I have to put on pants to answer the door." Total Jim Gaffigan day.
    2.) I have seen tutorials on how to do curls with a flat iron and I have yet to accomplish this feat, as easy as it looks.
    3.) Again, I blame the weather.

    1. I tend to blame the weather everything these days!

  3. I love spending the whole day reading in comfy clothes!

  4. Ugh, I feel the same way about my hair. Except it's thick and frizzy. No hairstyle seems to work on me (unless you're a hairstylist, then it works.)

  5. I stayed in my pjs all day Sunday as well. Well except to go get a coffee and even then I was thinking about just going out in my pj pants and not caring.
    Kayleigh http://www.thewayiwanderlust.blogspot.com.au

  6. Haha that was pretty much my Sunday, pj's all day!:)

  7. I have tried curling my hair with a flat iron multiple times. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. has been an absolute fail. I've decided that I'm just destined to have un-fun hair.


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