I am a big time fan of biting off more than I can chew. I'm really good at over estimating how much I have to commit to something or somethings.
But this time around I'm trying to be realistic.
Behold, the Pile 'O Books for
Bout of Books V8.0!
Now, I don't actually expect to read all seven of these books. My goal is to read three of them, but I'm giving myself options. There is nothing worse than starting a book and hating it only to have nothing to fall back on. Not that I have a shortage of reading materials about the house, but regardless, these are the book I'll be choosing from this week.
I will also be checking into this post throughout the week to update my progress. But you can also follow along (should you feel so inclined) via
Twitter and/or
Happy reading everyone!!
Progress Report:
Currently Reading: My Summer of Southern Discontent
Daily Pages Read:
178 244
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent
0 (1)
Random Notes:
I'd get so much more reading done if there wasn't this pesky thing called the Internet. 'Twas actually a good day of reading. Made it through almost the whole book. It's not a great story or even all that great of writing, but for once I like the lead female character, Natalie, so I'm not going to complain too much. Of course after writing my recap for the day, I decided to read "just a little bit longer" and ended up finishing the book. It was an o.k. read. Nothing too involved or even interesting. But a good start to the read-a-thon.
Currently Reading: The Opal Deception and Love is a Mix Tape
Daily Pages Read: 35
Total Pages Read: 279
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent (1)
Random Notes: Little reading was accomplished today. It wouldn't have been so bad had I not been sucked into the world of HTML and blog issues (self inflicted issues, but that is besides the point). I started Love is a Mix Tape (read a chapter and a half) and then switched to The Opal Deception. Neither selection has grabbed my attention yet, but it is a bit early to start passing judgement.
Currently Reading: The Opal Deception and Love is a Mix Tape
Daily Pages Read: 202
Total Pages: 491
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent (1) Blur: Night Roamers (2)
Random Notes: One of these days, I'm going to learn to resist getting sucked in by a "good deal" on Amazon. I set The Opal Deception and Love is a Mix Tape aside and ready my way through a dreadful book that shouldn't have been written. I know. I know. Writing a book is hard (believe me, I have tried and failed) but I've said it once and I've said it again--just because you
can, doesn't mean that you
should. Hmm.....I wonder if folks every say that about my blogging?
Currently Reading: The Opal Deception and Love is a Mix Tape
Daily Pages Read: 0
Total Pages: 491
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent (1) Blur: Night Roamers (2)
Random Notes: Hahahahaha.....there was no reading to be done today. Worked late. Work
out ran late. And I crashed into bed WAY earlier than I had originally anticipated. I may have tried reading in bed and may have been woken up by my book smacking me in the face after falling asleep. Whoops! But fear not--I have a three day weekend, two days of which I have nothing planned except for reading. Lots and lots of reading.
Currently Reading: The Opal Deception and Love is a Mix Tape
Daily Pages Read: 0
Total Pages: 491
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent (1) Blur: Night Roamers (2)
Random Notes: Ah snap. Again. Zero pages were read on this day, but I have a good reason for it. Partying with rockstars will kind of put a damper on your reading plans. BUT. I have today (aka Saturday) set aside for nothing but reading, reading and more reading! I'd like to get through at least one of the two books I am currently read today. Wish me luck!
Currently Reading: Love is a Mix Tape and A Cold Day for Murder
Daily Pages Read: 50
Total Pages: 541
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent (1) Blur: Night Roamers (2)
Random Notes: Well, at least some reading was completed. I'm having a heck of a time getting even remotely interested in what I am reading right now. I keep getting sidetracked by projects around the house and baseball. But Sunday is my day--I can feel it!
Currently Reading: A Cold Day for Murder
Daily Pages Read: 60
Total Pages: 601
Books Completed: My Summer of Southern Discontent (1) Blur: Night Roamers (2)
Random Notes: Welp. I didn't reach my goal. But that is OK! Two books during a week that turned into super crazy week is fine by me!