Chillin' With My Mom//This weekend there has been and will be more time hanging with my mom. I think last weekend/week scared the bejesus out of us all so family time was just what we needed. Even if it came at the expense of a few other pre-planned activities.
Trimming the Fat//I don't know what it is about that phrase but it makes me giggle. Anywho, I did a pretty big purge this weekend and it was BRILLIANT. It's weird how sometimes we feel like we have to hold onto things even though we know that doing so isn't in our best interest.
Drawtastic//If you have the unfortunate pleasure of following me on Instagram, you'll have noticed that really all I've been posting lately are really terrible photos of all the not so great drawings I have been doing. Thankfully those drawings are getting a bit better with each go round, but I'm actually pretty excited about a drawing I did this weekend.

I still need a lot of practice and need to figure out how to draw hands, but I am totally digging this one.

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